Alissa Park develops technologies for carbon mineral sequestration, sustainable energy conversion of solid wastes, and electrostatic phenomenon in multiphase flow systems.
The containment of CO2 involves CO2 separation, transportation, and storage. Until now these technologies have been developed independently of one another, which has resulted in complex and economically challenged large scale designs. Park’s work addresses this by focusing on tools to enable the development of a viable energy conversion system integrated with in-situ carbon mineral sequestration.
At the same time, Park’s research group is investigating an energy conversion system that converts the now landfilled petrochemical portion of MSW to value added liquid fuel which is very attractive in terms of environmental sustainability and national security. At Columbia, Park is also involved in building a laboratory specialized in electrostatic phenomena, to study in depth a system containing non-conductive liquid fuel and fine particles. The fundamental findings from this study related to electrostatic charge generation and dissipation in various multiphase flows will contribute to the understanding of the particle-particle interactions and interparticle forces, the development of the non-invasive measurement technique, and the improvement in the computational fluid dynamics.
Park earned her BASc and MASc in chemical and biological engineering from the University of British Columbia, Canada and her PhD in chemical and biomolecular engineering from Ohio State University.